What Can Your Sales Team Learn from Sports Teams?

What could your sales team learn from a professional sports team?  Hint...it’s not the matching uniforms!

Think about it.  Every sports team spends hundreds of hours of practicing before they ever step foot on to the field or court.  They drill for weeks on end, sometimes 2 to 3 times per day all in anticipation of the big game.

Why not take a page out of the sports playbook and have your sales team start practicing?

Need a list of what to practice...here you go:

  • Handling objections

  • Asking for the business, or next appointment, or any number of commitments

  • Asking for a referral

  • Product demos

  • Opening lines of a phone call

  • Your unique value proposition

Don’t just “show up and throw up” or “spray and pray.”  Be deliberate in your approach to getting better at the great game of sales!  

Watch the video to learn more about the importance of practice!  Leave a comment, direct message me, or email me at [email protected] if you want some ideas on how to effectively run a practice session!

“You can’t hire someone to practice for you.”---H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Practice puts brains in your muscles.”---Sam Snead

Mark Evans